Selecting the Staging database


Before you can merge your data to the central Metis staging database, you will probably want to confirm which database you are committing your data to.

Version: 2.0+ (Oct 2021)

Usage:  Metis Tools --> Set Metis Server

Before merging your project data to the Staging database it is a good idea to define which database you will be uploading the data to. This is achieved using the Metis Tools --> Set Metis Server menu item. Depending on the configuration of your Metis databases you will get one or more servers listed.

The servers will be listed, depending on your Metis deployment. A green dot in the status indicates the database server is online and accessible. A red dot means the server is not accessible, which might be because it is offline, or not visible because of your current network settings (e.g. VPN is not enabled).

For the live servers a link to the associated Metis Discover site is provided - clicking on this will open Discover for that database. Depending on your IT setup it may also be necessary to sign in (or out) of the servers.

Finally you can select which of the live servers you wish to upload data to when merging your data with Staging.


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