File Transformation Services User Guide
The IGI File Transformation Services provide a set of tools to pre-process files prior to import into databases, spreadsheets etc. In general, they take files with a complex input structure and convert this to tabular data more suitable for processing in a range of applications, especially p:IGI+ and Metis.
Use of the tools in largely self-explanatory, using a file drag / upload method to send the files for processing. These are then processed on the secure system without storage and returned securely to the user via the browser download. The transformed files will be written into the folder you have setup as to receive your downloads.
There are currently 3 conversion tools provided:
- Gas Chromatogram lab report conversion tool - this takes a GC or GCMS or GC-MSMS file as provided by many labs, such as Stratum, BioMarkers Inc, Geolab Sur, StratoChem, etc (including historical examples from Weatherford, Baseline, etc) and using pattern recognition extracts the measurement data and creates a data table ready for import and further processing.
- LAS conversion tool - this reads a LAS 1.2 or 2.0 file, and will convert this to a simple Excel format, appending metadata to each row. Additionally you are able to aggregate the contained data to a user selected resolution using a mean or median (robust) method.
- DISKOS conversion tool - reads a text DISKOS (NPD-95) formatted file and converts this to a merged Excel file. The variability in implementation of the DISKOS format means care should be taken to examine the outputs before use.
Access to the tools is by company subscription. Contact to make enquires or request a trial licence.
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