Graph Data Summary
The graph data summary provide a live count of data shown on the graph, making it easy to see how much data is shown, hidden and out of range on a graph. It responds dynamically to data and graph pan / zoom changes, and can be configured.
Version: 1.21+ (Dec 2019)
Usage: Graph -> Edit graph settings...
How to use in practice
The Data summary provides control over the information shown on the graph data summary. The graph data summary provides a means to see what data is shown, hidden and out of range on a given graph.
The default name is "Data counts", although this can be edited in the graph settings. The above example shows the full range of counts / information available:
- Visible samples - the number of samples actually drawn on the graph axes extent. On line / PCP / star plots a sample is considered to be drawn if it is present on at least one of the axes on the plots.
- Unshown samples - the number of samples which would be shown on the plot, but due to choices in the palette are not actually drawn (in the above example samples from Voyager J-18 well have been turned off in the palette (and unassigned sample have been turned off too). This will provide a useful indication that you have data 'hidden' on your plot, which could be important to be aware of.
- Out of range samples - data which is not shown on the plot because it is beyond the currently set axes - this can again be important to be aware of - you've got more data which would be shown, but is currently not because its outside the range being plotted.
- Sample set name (and well name) - reports the name of the sample set (and well) that is applied to the graph. This helps you stay informed of the subset of data being shown when the graph is pasted into a report. These will only be shown if a sample set (or well) is applied. If both are applied, both are listed.
- Sample set count - a count of the total number of samples in the sample set. This is the total sample count for the sample set and is always greater than, or equal to the sum of the visible + unshown + out of range samples. It will be equal if all samples in the sample set have data for the graph axis properties.
- Project name - gives the name of the current project, which might be useful for showing what data was used to generate a graph in a report, in conjunction with the sample set information.
- Project samples - a count of the total number of samples in the project. Comparing this to the sample set count, and graph sample counts gives a way to understand how much of the project data is shown / has values.
The visibility of each of these elements can be controlled from the Data Summary tab on the Project Graph Settings dialogue (from Graph -> Edit graph settings...). The user can completely turn off the graph data summary on the Layout tab of each graph, using Graph Manager.
The Graph Data Summary ("Data counts") legend element will be copied with the graph by default, and can also be copied separately, using the right click Copy data summary option when hovering over the data summary on the graph.
From v2.5 the Graph Data Summary has been renamed to the Information Summary and has been split into a data summary, a filter summary and a project summary. These can be placed above, below or to the right of the graph area allowing for better use of space, especially on dashboards and are controlled per graph from the Layout tab in graph manager. Selecting the information summary layer gives the placement options.
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