Well Artefacts in p:IGI+


Well artefacts store well site specific information, depth & deviation information, temperature information and stratigraphic information. Well artefacts play an important role in the system integrating geology, depth and samples.

Version: 2.1+ (Jul 2022)

Usage:  Importing data / typing well names in p:IGI+

Wells in p:IGI+

Well artefacts, or simply wells, are fully integrated into a project. Wells store the necessary information to dynamically calculate sample true vertical depths from measured depths, assign stratigraphic information to samples and manipulate/interact with depth plots

Wells are created by default in p:IGI+ when any data row is imported which includes well information. This must include at the minimum a well name, which is used as the unique identifier for the well artefact in the project. Wells can also be created by importing well only information from p:IGI-3 well manager files, or stratigraphy or Measured Depth-True Vertical Depth tie points from Excel files.

During import in p:IGI+ well information spread across multiple samples is merge in a very automatic and simple manner. For example if there were two files import, the first with the header and data row:

Well name Lat Long
Stark-1 52.4 1.55


and the second:

Well name Lat Long Country
Stark-1 52 2 UK


Then in p:IGI+ a well called Stark-1 would be created first time, with the Lat and Long values given. When file 2 was imported the first values of the Lat and Long would be retained, and the user told in the import merge feedback text box that the values 52 and 2 had been discarded. However the new value for the Country.Well would be updated to now read UK.

There is no user control over the merge process to create wells in p:IGI+, and this is a deliberate choice to retain a clean, automated import and well creation process. If the user needs more control Metis Transform is the appropriate tool.

In p:IGI+ a sample can be assigned to a well either at import, or later by choosing the Assign samples to well... option via spreadsheet. From V.2.1+ the well name property on a spreadsheet page was changed to read-only to make it consistent with all other well properties. You can assign a sample to a well by selecting & right-clicking on the samples you want to assign and then choosing the Assign samples to well... option (shortcut Ctrl+Shift+W). From here the well can be selected and assigned to, or samples that already have a well can have their well unassigned. 

Once well artefacts have been created they work identically in p:IGI+ and Metis, as described in the general well artefact guide.


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