Data Merge in p:IGI+
Sample data can be merged together following the import of data, to bring all information about a sample onto the same row.
Version: p:IGI+ 1.28+ (Jan 2021)
Usage: Data --> Merge samples...
How to use in practice
Merging can be important where different analyses have been imported from different files. The main aim is to bring all data pertaining to a given sample onto the same row, to facilitate getting the full multivariate picture using plots, maps, brushing etc.
Sample Merge
In order to merge project data together where appropriate start by selecting Data --> Merge Samples....
Within the Merge Samples window you can select up to 5 merge criteria. A merge criterion should ideally have good coverage of data across the project database and be a unique string that brings together rows that would form the same sample. Select the properties using the standard property selector implemented across the system. .Any properties cannot be used as merge criteria. Samples / rows will only merge within wells, or within the group of samples that are not associated with wells. It is not possible to merge a sample from one well with another sample from another.
Typical merge criteria include depth, sample name / id, sample type / category and lithology.
Once the criteria are selected press the Analyse samples button to assess the success of the chosen merge criteria. The merge analysis summary shows:
- Criteria used to calculate the values, in case you edit the criteria selected.
- Total number of rows: the number of rows with data in the project.
- Not needing merge: the rows which are unique in the project given the merge criteria.
- Will merge: 2 or more rows with same merge criteria values, and no properties where there are different values in one row compared to the other(s). Note the absence of a value will never generate a conflict.
- Without merge criteria: any rows which do not have at least one of the merge criteria.
- Have conflicts: 2 or more rows with same merge criteria values, and one or more properties where there are different values in one row compared to the other(s).
The Merge button will only be enabled when at least some samples can be merged. A static sample set will be created for any samples with conflicts, and for any samples without merge criteria to enable you to investigate further.
Finding appropriate properties to merge on, and ensuring there are no unwanted side effects is challenging. Metis Transform has a far more powerful merge and clean functionality designed to support data quality control and assurance.
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