Importing IGI well export files
Well data can be imported from IGI well export format files (.igi_well).
Version: 2.0+ (Oct 2021)
Usage: Project --> Import well data...
Importing well data from a IGI well export file
From the Project -> Import well data... menu it is possible to import stratigraphy from an IGI well export (.igi_well) file. Importing this provides very similar options to other import routes, although as the data originated in p:IGI+ or Metis Transform there are generally fewer choices. The date-time selector for month-day vs day-month is provided to allow for the fact the file might have come from another source, but in general this will not have any effect as we write the date-times in the universal ISO date time format in our software.
The choices available allow you to choose which wells to import, and whether to overwrite all data or simply add new information only. On selecting to Import there could be some delay in large projects as this could trigger a number of calculations to evaluate true vertical depths, assign sample level stratigraphy and thus potentially modify sample sets etc.
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