Matching Properties


Merge with Staging uses matching to find similar wells, well samples and non-well samples in the Staging area.

Version: 2.0+ (Oct 2021)

Usage:  Data upload, data merge and de-duplication.

Matching properties:

A well, well sample and non-well sample need at least one matching property to be eligible to be merged with Staging. A well or sample will be considered a match if it matches on at least one of the matching criteria.

Well matching

The matching properties for wells (or more strictly wellbores) are:

Matching Property Matching Criterion / Comment
Lat.Well, Long.Well Within a tolerance of 150 m on the great arc between the locations on a WGS84 globe
Location.Well Based on the cleaned string
Well Name.Well Based on the cleaned string
UWI.Well Based on the cleaned string
IHS ID.Well Based on the cleaned string
Internal#.Well Based on the cleaned string

Note that the string cleaning we apply is to strip any non-alphabetic or numeric characters, and turn the resulting string to lower case. 

Well samples

The matching properties for well samples are:

Matching property Matching criterion / comment
Wellbore id This is based on the matching from the Well matching result - the user will not see this
Name.Sample Based on the cleaned string
Test#.Sample Based on the cleaned string
Internal#.Sample Based on the cleaned string
Vendor#.Sample Based on the cleaned string
Container#.Sample Based on the cleaned string
Base MD.Sample Within a tolerance of 0.1 m
Top MD.Sample Within a tolerance of 0.1 m
Sam date.Sample Within a tolerance of 1 hour
Non-well samples

The matching criteria for non-well samples (e.g. outcrops, seeps etc) are:

Matching property Matching criterion / comment
Lat.Sample, Long.Sample Within a tolerance of 150 m on the great arc between the locations on a WGS84 globe
Location.Sample Based on the cleaned string
Name.Sample Based on the cleaned string
Test#.Sample Based on the cleaned string
Internal#.Sample Based on the cleaned string
Vendor#.Sample Based on the cleaned string
Container#.Sample Based on the cleaned string
Sam date.Sample Within a tolerance of 1 hour

The matching criteria effectively provide guidance on whether a well or sample could be considered a possible match - the fact they do match should not be taken as evidence of a certain match and thus merge. Care should always be taken to review matches.


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