Import Tie Points from Excel

Multiple well tie-points can be imported direct from Excel providing a simple method to quickly enable depth conversion (MD->TVD) to the wells in your project.

Version: 2.0+  (Oct 2021)

Usage:  Project --> Import well data...

How to use in practice

Unlike the Excel import for sample data, the import for wells requires that the file being imported conforms to a fixed structure, and that the tie points data are all on the first sheet in the file. We provide a template Tie-Points-Import-Templatev2-1.xlsx that can be used to create your own Excel file, which could be populated from an export from your well header database.

The Excel file must have exactly those headers in the order shown above, the only optional element being the depth unit in (), which can be any string, and can contain information about MD vs TVD and the datum used, optionally. The idea is to have a file structure that contains a row for each tie point. Each row must include a well name in the Well column, and a valid measured and corresponding true vertical depth in the other two columns. 

To import the Excel file, go to Project --> Import well data... and select the file desired from the file picker. Once you have chosen your file you will see the following dialogue:

In this dialogue you can select various options. The top section allows you to change the file selected. The next "File overview" section gives you a summary of the number of wells in the file, and how these relate to the wells currently in your project.

The next section allows you to define the units and datum used for the depths listed in the Excel file. Most often these will be given in feet or meters relative to the Drillers Reference. However it is possible for you to set different units and datums here, if that is what is present in the file.

The next section allows you to select what you want to import from the file. You can select to only import data from wells already present in the current project, or to import all wells in the file. In general you probably only want the tie points for the wells in your project. If there are a large number of wells in the file, be aware that importing them all can take a little time, as all the well calculations may be triggered (and the well artefacts created).

The final section allows you to select what to do with the data. You really only have two options here - to retain existing tie points, and only update wells that currently have no tie point data, or always overwrite the tie points. It is important to understand here that tie points are treated as one entire object for each well, so when overwriting you overwrite all tie points for that well as a bulk operation, and don't just update / add to the existing tie points.

If you import tie points from a file, the wells for which tie points were imported will automatically switch to preferring to use tie points, even if a deviation survey is present.


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